Monday, August 16, 2010

Coming to Madison

Just letting all my Madison friends know that I'm planning on being in the Madison area Wednesday night. I don't know what my plans are yet when I get there, but I'm shooting to be there in the early evening. Let me know if you'd like to meet up. I apologize about the shortness of this post, but don't worry, a nice long one should be up in a few days filled with all the fun I've been having. It'll have the movie Cobra with Sly Stallone and how Star Wars ripped it off, a pregnant triangle plate, thoughts on why Janesville is beginning to endear itself to me, an evening with Randy and whatever else I decide to write about! I hope to see some of you later this week!


  1. Hi Dave,
    I'm going chainsaw shopping Wednesday evening but if you are in the Middleton area and need a place to stay Wednesday, give me a call.
    Rachel 608-332-8069.

  2. Comfy bed, shower, beer & food await near Lodi & Cross Plains.....
    Mike Wollmer 608-212-5465
